Holbeck Underground Ballroom Leeds

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Holbeck Underground Ballroom venue information

Slung Low's home is the Holbeck Underground Ballroom (The HUB). Five railway arches in Holbeck South Leeds.

The HUB is a rehearsal space which we make available to those making performance in the region who have need of it.

The HUB is also a place where we can invite exciting new work from other companies and present them to an audience; a makeshift performance space.

We also understand that in these times committing to see a piece of theatre isn't the easiest of choices, so we will always welcome you as warmly as we can, the kettle will always be on, and because everyone has different circumstances as many of our shows as possible will be 'pay what you decide' - you give the amount of money you think is right after you see the show.

We look forward to welcoming you.


Venue contact details and info

Name: Holbeck Underground Ballroom

Address: 67-71 Bath Road, Leeds, LS11 9AU

Phone: n/a

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/28750/

Type of venue: Theatre

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