Jubilee Recreation Grounds Adlington

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Jubilee Recreation Grounds venue information

Jubilee Recreation Ground is an excellent facility for the settlement of Adlington. It is situated adjacent to the Leeds-Liverpool canal and incorporates two 11-a-side football pitches, a 5-a-side kick about pitch, a new concrete skate park and MUGA installed in 2014 and a new play area install in 2015. The play facilities are specifically for children aged 6 and above, though younger children can use the equipment under adult supervision. The recreation ground is a community focal point for annual events such as the Adlington Carnival and Duck Race. There are aspirations to continually improve the recreation ground with improvements to paths to enable athletics to be practiced on site, installation of changing facilities and additional car parking space and the installation of adult fitness equipment and a toddler play area. The vision is to create a fitness hub for the community

Venue contact details and info

Name: Jubilee Recreation Grounds

Address: Park Road, Adlington, PR7 4HZ


Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/108550/

Type of venue: Nightclub