Victoria Quays Wharf Street Sheffield S2 5SY

Victoria Quays Wharf Street Sheffield S2 5SY events

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Victoria Quays Wharf Street Sheffield S2 5SY venue information

Sheffield Waterfront Festival

2019 marks the 200th anniversary of the opening of the Sheffield to Tinsley Canal, and you're invited to celebrate with us.
While only 3.9 miles long, the importance of its opening to the city was clear with 60,000 people coming to witness the first barges arrive and a public holiday being declared.

Much has changed over the last 200 years, but the canal can continue to play a significant role in the development of Sheffield.

On 22 September 2018 come along to Victoria Quays for the start of the year long celebration. We will, in partnership with River Stewardship Company be hosting the Sheffield Waterfront Festival for the second year running. There will be:
•boat trips
•canoe tasters
•BBQ & street food
•Sheffield-made artisan and traditional crafts
•music stage with local bands and musicians playing throughout the day
•guided canal walks
•audio art exhibition.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Victoria Quays Wharf Street Sheffield S2 5SY

Phone: 03030 404040

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Outdoors

Opening hours: 10am - 4pm

Food served: yes

Address: Victoria Quays Wharf Street Sheffield, S2 5SY, Sheffield, S2 5SY


Capacity: 6000

Ambiance: Suibtable for a family day out or to come enjoy a drink and free music

Drinks served: yes

Disabled facilities: toilets

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