The Grange Chocolate Cafe Wokingham

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The Grange Chocolate Cafe venue information

The Chocolate Cafe began in Windsor in 2001, founded by our master Chocolatier Roy Hastings, introducing Berkshire to signature cakes and chocolate delights. Ten years later The Chocolate Cafe in Henley was opened on the riverside, and under the guidance of Vivienne Lee the Chocolate Cafe brand was born.

Our goal is to create high quality food, lovingly made by our excellent chefs and, of course, fabulous hot chocolates! In 2016 the opening of The Goring Chocolate Cafe expanded our visions further, beginning with its stunning transformation overseen by owner Vivienne Lee.

We have now added another string to our bow in the form of the Grange Chocolate Cafe which will bring enjoyment to even more chocolate fanatics. Our passion is for attentive and bright customer service, alongside quality foods and delicious cakes, so we hope you join us soon!

Venue contact details and info

Name: The Grange Chocolate Cafe


Capacity: 60

Address: Unit 6, Holme Grange Craft Village, Heathlands Road, Wokingham, RG40 3AW

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Other