Foundation Coffee House Whitworth Street Manchester

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Foundation Coffee House Whitworth Street venue information

Built from the grounds up. Creating destinations of our locations through our curated menus, events and experiences since 2015.

Our motto at Foundation is Coffee is Everything. This is because coffee is at the heart of everything that we do, and it informs how we approach everything that FDN Coffee has to offer: with quality, consideration and constant refinement. That's not to say coffee is all that we have on offer.

We are all about creating an environment where people can eat, drink, meet or shop. Our design led spaces create a backdrop where people can socialise, host meetings, showcase artworks, hold workshops, learn about coffee and more with a high quality menu of the finest coffee, cocktails, brunch and cakes to compliment.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Foundation Coffee House Whitworth Street


Venue short url:

Type of venue: Other

Address: 48-50 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 6LS


Capacity: 50

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