Lowther Estate Penrith

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Reviews of Lowther Estate in Penrith

Lowther Estate venue information

Lowther Estate stretches across 70, 000 of stunning parkland and breathtaking countryside. Within the estate is a Deer Park, Organic Farm and the Grade II listed building Lowther Castle. It is the home of the annual festival Kendal Calling.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Lowther Estate

Phone: 01931 71257

Music Policy: From indie and alternative to drum n bass and dub step with djs playing in to the night

Ambiance: Quite an intimate festival for the names they get on the line up

Clientele: Mainly students and young people but with artists on the bill to suit everyones taste

Drinks served: A variety of ales from local breweries including the festivals own ale 'Kendale'. Cocktails served at the Cock and Tail bar plus many other bars serving beer, lager, wine and soft drinks.

Disabled facilities: Disabled parking, toilets, camping and viewing platforms for the stages

Nearest Bus Stop: Shuttle buses will go to and from Penrith train station

Address: Lowther, Penrith, CA10 2HG

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/11947/

Type of venue: Outdoors

Dress code: Festival gear

Opening hours: Campsite opens at 9am on fri then its open 24 hours Sat and Sun. Arenas open 12noon - 3am

Food served: Variety of food stalls

Parking: Plenty of onsite parking. It costs £5 for the duration of the festival

Nearest Train Station: Penrith - 10 minute drive away