Revolution Birmingham

#353 of 512 music venues in Birmingham

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Reviews of Revolution in Birmingham

Revolution venue information

Revolution Birmingham is located on Broad Street at the heart of Birmingham's nightlife! The bar prides itself on its fabulous collection of premium vodkas and its truly engaging atmosphere. Whatever the night of the week, there is always something going on... check out the 'What's Happening' guide for more information.

The beauty of the bar is that it can take you on a journey from the relaxed atmosphere of a meal with your friends, to the uplifting party atmosphere of a club.

Revolution Birmingham specialises in creating a party environment! With over 10 private party areas to choose from, we can cater for all of your needs and are happy to create bespoke party packages for you!

Isn't it time you joined the Revolution?

Venue contact details and info

Name: Revolution

Phone: 0121 665 6508

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Bar/Pub

Dress code: Smart/casual

Drinks served: Beers, wines, spirits, cocktails and speciality shooters

Disabled facilities: Full disabled facilities with RADAR toilet key and lift access to the the 1st Floor.

Address: Five Ways, Broad Street,, Birmingham, B15 1AY


Music Policy: R&B, House, Dance, Commercial, Charts

Ambiance: Chic, stylish, lively

Opening hours: Mon 12pm-3am / Tues/Wed/Sun - 12pm til 1am / Thur/Fri/Sat - 12pm til 3am

Food served: Burgers, Pizzas and other food served 12pm-9pm

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