The Academy Restaurant Liverpool

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The Academy Restaurant venue information

Described by its customers as a hidden gem, The Academy Restaurant is located on Tradewind Square off Duke Street amidst the backdrop of Liverpool’s historic RopeWalks area. It offers a mouth-watering selection of both British and European cuisine ranging from contemporary combinations, to traditional favourites displaying a modern twist.

The Academy Restaurant is run by a team of dedicated staff, and highly motivated students developing professional skills ready for employment in the catering and hospitality industry. Dishes are expertly prepared using the highest quality, locally sourced ingredients.

The Academy is a licensed training restaurant serving a selection of beers, wines and spirits from around the world.

Venue contact details and info

Name: The Academy Restaurant

Phone: 0151 252 4512

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Restaurant

Clientele: Food Lovers

Drinks served: Yes

Disabled facilities: Yes

Nearest Bus Stop: Berry Street, Liverpool 1 Bus Station

Address: 82 Tradewind Square, Liverpool, L1 5BG


Capacity: 40 seats

Dress code: No dress code

Opening hours: Tue - Fri Lunches 12:00 - 13:00, Friday Evening 18:00 - 20:00

Food served: Yes

Parking: Duke Street, Cornwallis Street

Nearest Train Station: Central Station

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