Ma Egerton's Stage Door Merseyside

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Ma Egerton's Stage Door venue information

Ma Egertons is one of Liverpool’s most famous pubs. Originally opening as the Eagle Hotel in the mid 1800’s, it took its current name from the Irish Landlady who resided over the premises for many years from the 1930's.

Ma Egertons is situated in the enviable position of beside Liverpool Lime Street Railway station and behind the Empire Theatre.

Throughout the week various different events take place @ Ma's, from Pop Music Bingo on a Thursday to a Monday Evening Pub Quiz, hosted by Tina Malone, followed by the sing-along on Friday's with Eithne Brown. So there's always an event to suit everyone!

Venue contact details and info

Name: Ma Egerton's Stage Door

Phone: 01513453525

Type of venue: Bar/Pub

Drinks served: Yes

Nearest Train Station: Lime Street Station

Address: 9 Pudsey Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L1 1JA

Venue short url:

Opening hours: 1100-1200

Food served: Yes

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