Breakpoint Recordings Liverpool

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Breakpoint Recordings venue information

Breakpoint Recordings provide a base for bands to showcase their music, comedy, and creative skills in an intimate and comfortable venue.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Breakpoint Recordings


Capacity: 50

Opening hours: Dependant on event.

Food served: No, bar snacks Available.

Parking: On street parking outside venue and surrounding area. Multi Story car parks within walking distance.

Nearest Train Station: Liverpool Lime street and Central are within walking distance.

Address: 24A Arrad Street, Liverpool, L7 7BP

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Live

Drinks served: Yes, Micro Bar - Beers (inc Craft) Spirits, Rose, White and Red wine, Soft Drinks.

Disabled facilities: Unfortunately not at this time.

Nearest Bus Stop: Within Minutes.

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