The Wyldes Bude

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Reviews of The Wyldes in Bude

The Wyldes venue information

The award-winning Leopallooza festival remains the most credible and exciting music event in the South West. It was voted one of The Guardians ‘Best Boutique Festivals’ for 2 years running. It returns on the 29th-31st July 2016, bigger and better than ever!

100% independent, fairly-priced and all the while retaining core values which have helped shape and focus the direction of the festival since the very first event over 10 years ago, Leopallooza is proud to have garnered and nurtured a significant, passionate following from it’s attendees over the years. Come once, and you’re likely to come again.

Hidden amongst the fields and woodlands of North Cornwall (and just a short drive from some of the best beaches in the UK) this 6500 capacity event has been created around a passionate audience, featuring a ‘Later with Jools’ style set-up of handcrafted stages and 2 bars.

As well as homegrown talent, Leopallooza attracts bands, musicians & DJs from all over the UK and beyond - it’s growing reputation is such that we have artists fly in from around the world to play this one event.

Venue contact details and info

Name: The Wyldes


Capacity: 6,000

Address: Lower Exe Farm, Week St. Mary, Bude, EX22 6UX

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Outdoors