Oddfellows Chester

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Oddfellows venue information

Behind our stunning Georgian façade, our hotel, bar and dining rooms are an experience in the cosmopolitan, the funky, the quirky and the sophisticated. All blended with superb service and attention to detail, ensuring your visit will be memorable for all the right reasons.

Come for an hour, stay for a night, laugh with your lover, gossip with the girls or enjoy a drink with your friends. Come on business or come for pleasure, host a meeting, celebrate a birthday, celebrate a wedding, celebrate anything, but whatever you do, if you’re coming to Chester, come to Oddfellows to dine, drink and dream.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Oddfellows

Phone: 01244 400 001

Capacity: 500

Dress code: Smart Casual

Drinks served: Yes

Nearest Train Station: Chester

Address: 20 Lower Bridge Street, Chester, CH1 1RS

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/19544/

Type of venue: Bar/Pub

Opening hours: Sun-Thu 9am-2am Fri Sat 9am-3am

Food served: Yes

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