Monte Carlo Wirral

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Monte Carlo venue information

Monte Carlo now boasts two exquisite restaurants based in Hoylake and Heswall.
With an outdoor area in both to indulge in the early evening sunshine or to watch the world go by whilst sipping
a glass of wine or cocktail, Monte Carlo is the place to be. We can accommodate many guests and therefore able
to offer facilities for events such as Christenings, weddings, funerals, birthdays and many more.
With plenty of available space the options are endless and we look forward to hosting an array of private parties and events.
Monte Carlo Restaurant Bar and Grill aims to delight our wonderful town with specific offers throughout
the week and event nights throughout the year.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Monte Carlo

Address: 174 Telegraph Rd, Heswall, Wirral, CH60 0AH

Phone: 0151 342 6121

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Live