The Narrow Boat Inn Skipton

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Reviews of The Narrow Boat Inn in Skipton

The Narrow Boat Inn venue information

From the front, the Narrow Boat Inn looks part bierkeller and part monastery. Both its neighbours sport standard whitewashed stone, but the inn is robustly different with a cloistered feel, a touch of Mitteleuropa in Yorkshire. The main bar is high-ceilinged and overlooked by a gallery. The upstairs rooms is used most often for music and hosts the weekly Skipton Folk Unplugged night on Mondays. The walls are plastered with posters and pictures of old and new beer adverts.

Traditional British bitters from the likes of Yorkshire brewers Black Sheep and Timothy Taylor are served alongside a beguiling selection of Belgian and German brews. I plump for the devilish Duvel, a rich and fruity Belgian pale ale served in a brandy balloon glass and topped with a billowing foamy head.

The food underlines the Europe-meets-Yorkshire theme with a sturdy and rib-sticking menu.

Venue contact details and info

Name: The Narrow Boat Inn

Address: Victoria St, Skipton, BD23 1PB

Phone: 01282 426859

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Bar/Pub