The Alchemist Birmingham

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The Alchemist Birmingham venue information

The Alchemist is a cocktail bar & restaurant that celebrates molecular mixology, alchemy and craftsmanship. Drinks are served in all manner of vessels with theatre, panache and a healthy sprinkling of magic. If the famous cocktails weren’t enough, an all-day dining menu with an eclectic mix of dishes keeps the venue busy from morning ‘til night. Imposing vaulted ceilings provide the perfect setting for distinctly dark artworks and suitably sinister taxidermy. A basement over a century old provides the perfect laboratory for further experimentation. So, come and visit the Alchemist where theatre is served and discover the devilish cocktails and glorious food.

Venue contact details and info

Name: The Alchemist Birmingham

Phone: 01212002377

Venue short url:

Dress code: Smart Casual

Food served: Yes

Address: The Alchemist, 39-43 Colmore Row, Birmingham, B3 2BS


Type of venue: Bar/Pub

Drinks served: Yes

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