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Reviews of Centrala in Birmingham
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Review of Bonney/Dunmall/Sanders + Tromans/Purkis
Paul Dunmall is a saxophonist and a clarinettist. He sometimes composes melodies but he's best known for those performances where everything is made up on the spot: free improvisation. I've been following him since 1989 and in that time, his music has become more and more melodic. But it was amazingly so from when the start. The reason he's so well-loved is that his improvisations are full of beautiful tunes - though I admit, those tunes often come at a rate that might bewilder. He listens to his fellow musicians with incredible care and responds to what they play with sympathy. When he's playing alongside thoughtful drummer Mark Sanders, with whom he's been making records since the 1990s, their ability to put together a musical whole gets close to the telepathic. This was an example of that. Trumpeter Alex Bonney - unafraid of making some very sweet and accessible sounds - fitted in well with the long-established duo and I hope to hear more from him.
The duet of Steve Tromans and Suzie Purkiss have previously performed as two-thirds of the band 'Dead as Dillinger'. Here, they did what sounded like a wholly improvised set that showed how far Tromans has come in recent years in terms of his capacity to respond to his fellow improvisers symathetically. Purkiss' vocals ranged from chattering, whispering drum-talk to beautiful sustained and pure notes. At times, her sudden shifts of tone and mood created a collage-like effect. Towards the end, when they were at their most lyrical, their improvisation could have been composed.
It's often said these days that the jazz scene in Birmingham is going through a bit of a golden age but this event was strong even by the standards we're coming to expect.
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Centrala venue information
Venue contact details and info
Name: Centrala
Address: Unit 4, Minerva Works, 158 Fazeley Street, Birmingham, B5 5RT
Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/89915/
Type of venue: Gallery
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