Fort Royal Park Worcester

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Fort Royal Park venue information

This year sees the return of our beautiful Solstice celebrations. A much loved oasis of calm and community amidst the hustle of bustle, we will gather from 3pm on Friday 22nd Dec to honour the dying sun and the turning of the year. Of course, there will be hot drinks, crafts and fire – bring your lanterns and outdoor clothes!
Our regular Master of Ceremonies, Ian Craigan, is looking for people to play a part in the rituals of the gathering. If you would like to help carry a processional lantern, act in a Mummers Play, play an instrument or sing in the Solstice Choir then give him a call on 07879 033823.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Fort Royal Park


Capacity: 250

Address: 1 Little Sauce Factory, Worcester, WR5 2DJ

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Outdoors

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