Woolley Hall Wakefield

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Woolley Hall venue information

Woolley Hall original belonged to the Woodrove (or Woodroffe) family who sold it to the Wentworth family in 1559. Sir Richard Woodroffe (c.1440 - d.1522) was the High Sherif of York between 1510 and 1518, and one of the last members of the Woodroffe Woodruff family to reside in the Hall.

In 1559, Francis Woodroffe, was forced to sell the house to his cousin Michael Wentworth the great-great-grandson of Sir Richard Woodroffe and descendent of Sir Thomas Wentworth the great grandfather of Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Stafford. Francis was the brother of Richard Woodroffe who married Elizabeth Percy the daughter of the infamous Thomas Percy, 7th Earl of Northumberland one of the two ring leaders of the Rising of the North.

The present Woolley Hall is an example of early Jacobean architecture and was built 1635 and was renovated around 1800 by architect sir Jeffry Wyatville, who was employed by George IV to remodel Windor Castle, which earned him a knighthood. Wyattville specialised in period restorations and additions to historic mansions which included, amongst many others Chatsworth House and Longleat House.

Woolley Hall was eventually sold by the Wentworth family in 1947 and acquired by the local authority. In 1952 it began a new life as a residential college and today this beautiful 17th Century house and surrounding 20 acres of grounds is under the ownership of Wakefield Council and can accommodate anything from conferences, weddings, private parties, fashion shows and offers a diverse events programme delivered by a highly professional Events and Functions Team.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Woolley Hall

Address: Woolley Hall, New Road, Wakefield, WF4 2JR

Phone: 01924 305830

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/38576/

Type of venue: Live