Apollo Inn, Barlborough Chesterfield

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Reviews of Apollo Inn, Barlborough in Chesterfield

Apollo Inn, Barlborough venue information

Since taking over this great pub in February of 2006, the unshakeable brief for the management team at the Apollo Inn has been the creation of the perfect village inn for Barlborough Village . An independently delivered traditional pub which remains true to its traditional values without being afraid to evolve better meet the needs of local people and businesses.

To achieve this, since day one our emphasis has been on consistency and quality, innovation, service and maintenance of a relaxed, traditional ambience in our tireless pursuit of delivering the village's finest, all round pub experience, wrapped up in one of the most beautiful pubs in the Village

To protect our jealously guarded position, we promise to:

Maintain and strengthen the reputation of the Apollo Inn as a must visit real ale 'destination'
Provide only innovative, freshly prepared traditional pub food
Strive for a quality product and service ethos which consistently exceeds the expectations of our customers
To place a continued emphasis on service and the quality of welcome for which the Apollo Inn is rightly renowned.
To provide a safe and welcoming atmosphere for staff and customers.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Apollo Inn, Barlborough

Address: High Street, Barlborough, Chesterfield, S43 4EY

Phone: 01246 810346

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/7060/

Type of venue: Live