Folk At The Hall Trelawnyd Memorial Hall (near Rhyl)

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Reviews of Folk At The Hall Trelawnyd Memorial Hall (near Rhyl) in Trelawnyd

Folk At The Hall Trelawnyd Memorial Hall (near Rhyl) venue information

The Record Journal is a family-run organisation based in Trelawnyd, which promotes live folk music in North Wales. It began in 2008 as an online portfolio of journalistic writings. The original website hosted a range of content including interviews and reviews of musicians, bands and authours. In 2009 we began to put on live shows at the local village hall and so, The Record Journal Live was born. We have had the absolute privilege of hosting some exceptional musicians here in the past couple of years. Take a look at the Previous Shows section. We take pride in trying our hardest to provide a friendly and relaxed atmosphere for both the audience and performers.

The Record Journal Live hold all its concerts in Trelawnyd Memorial Hall. The Hall is on a corner crossroads position at the centre of Trelawnyd village between London Road and High Street. The village is easily accessed by car from the A55.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Folk At The Hall Trelawnyd Memorial Hall (near Rhyl)

Address: London Road, Trelawnyd, LL18 6DN

Phone: 07899024162.

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Live