The Dragonffli Pont-y-Pwl

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Reviews of The Dragonffli in Pont-y-Pwl

The Dragonffli venue information

The Dragonffli is one the south Wales valley's most premier live music venues. Formally known as the Hog n Hosper, this venue was sadly missed when it closed its doors to the public a few years ago.

Nick Byrne, a local musician and producer took this opportunity to invest in the building. Since this acquisition there have been a number of improvements to the venue including a new performance room, sound and lighting rig. Also, a complete refit of the toilets and a new hallway extension.

The Dragonffli has already been open for over 12 months and has hosted countless gigs and charity functions. There have even been visiting artists from as far as America to play their first Uk dates at this venue.

Keep your eye on this space for much more!




Venue contact details and info

Name: The Dragonffli

Address: 1 Crumlin Street, Pont-y-Pwl, NP4 6AE


Venue short url:

Type of venue: Live