Da Vinci Newport

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Reviews of Da Vinci in Newport

Da Vinci venue information

Upstairs bar/downstairs club, a wide rage of beverages at VERY reasonable prices, bottles from £2.80 - Pints from £2.70 - House doubles £3!!!!!

If you prefer brand sprits- that's only £2 for a single, double £4!!! BARGAIN.

We don't just have Jaeger bombs - we have Skittle bombs, cherry bombs and more to come.

Downstairs bar and club.
Beautifully decorated and amazing atmosphere throughout.

Thursday - Karaoke with Dixie Minx
Friday - Rock-a-billy bike night with Ray n Russ
Saturday - Alternate nights, Perc and Jungle Code (see relative groups for more info), and the Saturdays we don't hire out we are back with MORE Karaoke.

Venue for hire with notice.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Da Vinci

Address: 10 High Street, Newport, NP20 1FQ

Phone: 01633 548171

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/44212/

Type of venue: Nightclub