Nawaab Levenshulme, Manches

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Reviews of Nawaab in Levenshulme, Manches

Nawaab venue information

Nawaab Manchester is one of the country’s most-beloved and well-respected Indian restaurants feeding hundreds of locals every day. The wide range of different dishes and flavours available satisfy the whole family and ensure that nobody goes home unsatisfied. The highly trained teams of chefs create mouth-watering fresh dishes every night for the fervent customers who keep going back for more.

Nawaab Manchester also operates as a wedding venue capable of seating up to 1,000 people every day. The two main wedding halls are bother resplendently decked out with bespoke interior design and sophisticated furnishing additions in spired by Indian and Pakistani tradition.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Nawaab

Phone: 0161 224 6969

Capacity: 700

Type of venue: Bar/Pub

Food served: yes

Parking: parking available

Nearest Train Station: Reddish south

Address: 1008 Stockport Road, Levenshulme, Manches, M19 3WN

Venue short url:

Music Policy: Indian pakistani punjabi english

Drinks served: no

Disabled facilities: available

Nearest Bus Stop: stockport road