The Charterhouse London

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The Charterhouse venue information

Opened to the public in 2017, the Charterhouse is both a thriving almshouse and a stunning seven- acre site embracing seven centuries of remarkable lives, lived and lost.

Originally founded in 1348 during the Black Death, the Charterhouse is a hidden gem on the edge of the City brimming with extraordinary stories of contemplation, conspiracy and charity. From Tuesday to Sunday, there is free entry to our fascinating museum, the chapel and shop, and the opportunity to discover the remains of the Carthusian cloister, the grand Tudor interiors and atmospheric courtyards on one of our highly recommended tours. The Charterhouse also has a programme of events including music, arts, talks and family fun.

Venue contact details and info

Name: The Charterhouse

Phone: 02038188873

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Other

Nearest Train Station: Farringdon

Address: Charterhouse Square London, EC1M, London, EC1M 6AN


Capacity: London

Opening hours: 11.00 - 17.20

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