ReCentre London

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ReCentre venue information

Re:Centre provides a rare sense of open space in the heart of London.
This 4,000 sq. ft. space is perfect for hosting a wide range of events including talks, exhibitions, performances, large group classes, and workshops.
With the majestic River Thames flowing directly in front of our Event Space, and a serene landscaped courtyard at the back, we offer a natural, bright and inspiring venue in which to host your event.
Please note that Re:Centre is a carefully curated space, and not simply a space-to-hire, we, therefore, require that all event bookings be assessed to ensure they run in line with our vision and core values.

Venue contact details and info

Name: ReCentre

Phone: 020 7384 5957

Capacity: 100

Type of venue: Exhibition Centre

Dress code: /

Opening hours: Weekdays: 9am-9pm; Weekends: 8am-8pm

Food served: Yes, if desired

Parking: Parking on street

Nearest Train Station: Kensington (Olympia)

Address: Unit 3, Thames Wharf, Rainville Road, London, W6 9HA

Venue short url:

Music Policy: /

Ambiance: /

Clientele: /

Drinks served: Yes, if desired. No alcohol.

Disabled facilities: Yes

Nearest Bus Stop: Charing Cross Hospital

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