Prince Edward Notting Hill London

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Prince Edward Notting Hill venue information

The Prince Edward is a traditional English pub situated in West London close to Hyde Park. This public house plays an important role in the local community, and unlike the large pub operators that surround us, we are proud to be able to support small local businesses by buying all our produce from local suppliers.

We have friendly, well-trained and helpful staff who enjoy working at The Prince Edward and embrace the ethos of what we believe in; service and quality.

Our recent refurbishment has given this establishment a new fresh look, whilst still retaining its warm original character. We are lucky to have a large outside area, which is a popular spot when the sun is shining!

Venue contact details and info

Name: Prince Edward Notting Hill

Address: 73 Princes Square, London, W2 4NY

Phone: 44 2077272221

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Nightclub

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