ISM Studio London

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ISM Studio venue information

About ISM

ISM is a cutting edge record label set up by Yam Who to showcase up and coming new talent whilst maintaining a strong link to the past.

The ISM team are inspired musically from all genres of music whether that be the African rhythms of Fela Kuti and Tony Allen, the European balearic synth soundscapes of Giorgio Moroder and Daniele Baldelli, the dubbed out disco style of Danny Krivit, Arthur Russell and Larry Levan through to to the urban angst of nu wave bands such as Talking Heads, ESG and Joy Divison. These influences can be heard in the eclectic sound of ISM records.

Venue contact details and info

Name: ISM Studio

Address: London, London, N15 6LH

Phone: TBC

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Live