Hanwell Cavern London

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Hanwell Cavern venue information

In the past, many well know bands and musicians played gigs or rehearsed at Hanwell Community Centre including The Who, Deep Purple, Procul Harum, Led Zeppelin, Uriah Heep, Gene Vincent, The Animals, Jerry Lee Lewis and many others. The historic Grade II listed building, is also where Charlie Chaplin attended as a child when it was the Central London District Schools, and is steeped in history.

Today, the basement of the centre gets transformed into 'The Hanwell Cavern' - a new not-for-profit music venue, run by the charity Hanwell Community Centre Consortium and other volunteers - for regular live music events featuring local bands and musicians, predominantly from Hanwell and the Borough of Ealing.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Hanwell Cavern


Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/105706/

Type of venue: Live

Food served: No

Address: Hanwell Community Centre, Westcott Crescent, London, W7 1PD

Website: https://www.facebook.com/TheHanwellCavern

Capacity: 75

Drinks served: BYOB