Lichfield Vaults Hereford

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Reviews of Lichfield Vaults in Hereford

Lichfield Vaults venue information

The Lichfield Vaults is a classic city center pub tucked away in a quite corner of Church Street, Hereford. The Lichfield Vaults offers customers a traditional pub experience with wood burners and open fires to create a cosy and relaxing atmosphere. Serving up some of the finest pub food in Herefordshire, The Lichfield Vaults offers you just about everything you could want and wish for from a classic English pub.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Lichfield Vaults

Phone: 01432 266821

Capacity: 100

Type of venue: Live

Opening hours: Starts at 4.00pm

Address: 11 Church Street , Hereford, HR1 1RP

Venue short url:

Music Policy: Blues

Dress code: Casual