The Rutland Bar Edinburgh

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Reviews of The Rutland Bar in Edinburgh

The Rutland Bar venue information

The Rutland is an Edinburgh institution. Positioned in what could arguably be classed as the best location in Edinburgh at the fashionable West End of Princes Street, The Rutland sits comfortably between the main shopping area + the busy Financial District.

Cosseted by enviable views of Edinburgh Castle + with the history + beauty of Scotland’s Capital on the doorstep it is the ideal base from which to discover and explore the city.

Once the residence of renowned surgeon Sir Joseph Lister - the ‘Father of Antiseptic Surgery’ - back in the 1850s The Rutland is today home to one of Edinburgh’s finest bars as well as a brasserie-style restaurant, boutique hotel + lounge club, The One Below.

Venue contact details and info

Name: The Rutland Bar

Address: 1-3 Rutland Street , Edinburgh, EH1 2AE

Phone: 0131 229 3402

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Bar/Pub

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