S G H Venue Management Bewdley

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S G H Venue Management venue information

Since we launched in 2014 The Music in the Hall series has a growing reputation for tremendous nights of absorbing shows with great musicianship, terrific sound and a very receptive audience.

As a result we are pleased to have played host to many excellent performers from the USA and Canada as well as from the UK.

Our shows generally feature three performances; a headline act, a main local support act and a youth performer to start the evening.

Our format has proved very popular and highlights the wealth of talent that is in our local area in addition to bringing outstanding musicians to Bewdley and North Worcestershire.

Venue contact details and info

Name: S G H Venue Management

Phone: 01299 400 110

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/93574/

Address: St. Georges Hall, Load Street, Bewdley, DY12 2EQ

Website: https://www.thehall-bewdley.org.uk/

Type of venue: Live