Kidderminster Townhall

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Kidderminster Townhall venue information

Situated in the heart of Kidderminster’s conservation area, close to the Library and College, the Town Hall is a landmark town centre building with fine architectural features both externally and internally. The venue is used for a wide variety of cultural events, meetings, lectures, private parties, weddings, tea dances, formal occasions and trade fairs.

The Music Room is situated on the ground floor with dimensions approx. 60ft x 40ft with concert style seated audience capacity of approx. 350, plus balcony seating, and up to 250 for formal occasions dinners. The main stage, featuring the William Hill Organ, has tiered seating for choristers with extended staging to accommodate a full orchestra. In addition staging can also be adapted for catwalk, lectures, presentations and smaller groups and is complemented by the stage lighting and PA system.

The Corn Exchange , also situated on the ground floor, complements the Music Room for the larger event or can be hired independently for the smaller formal or informal function. A fully licensed bar is available upon request; alternatively this can be partitioned off from the hall when not required. The overall size of the hall is 50ft x 35ft; a full sized kitchen is adjacent to the hall and this can be hired for self-catering for both cold buffets and more formal menus.

Ground Floor: Suitable for Concerts, Large Corporate Events Parties, Trade Fairs, Weddings
Seating Capacity: 360, Balcony: 100, Wheelchair Access via ramp, Fully Licensed, Lighting and Sound system available, William Hill Organ (booking required), T induction loop facility

Venue contact details and info

Name: Kidderminster Townhall

Address: Vicar Street, Kidderminster, DY10 1DA

Phone: 01562 732928

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Live