Doncaster Keepmoat Stadium Doncaster reviews by real event-goers

Reviews of Doncaster Keepmoat Stadium in Doncaster

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Review of Doncaster Dynamo Cosplay Convention (DDCC)

Overall rating: 4.5 Verified review

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Review of a-ha Electric Summer 2018 Tour

Overall rating: 4

On paper, this line-up of acts looks mouth-wateringly good. Between them they have had more than enough top 40 hits (46) to easily fill a lovely South Yorkshire evening and, by an large that is what they did.
Tom Bailey kicked off at Doncaster Rovers home ground.....and forgiving him for the first two lines being slightly off key, he soon got into it and sang ably through the best if the Thompson Twins biggest hits. He was backed by three lovely ladies. The fans weren't disappointed as he rolled back the years and also sang one of his new tracks, which showed he still has it. A good start.
Next up came OMD - with Andy , Paul and Martin of the classic 80's line-up, alongside Stuart Kershaw of the 90's Post-split OMD. Hit after hit followed and Mr McCluskey played thd crowd beautifully as he belted them out energetically whilst bounding around the stage like an epileptic octopus, limbs flailing everywhere. How he never put a hip out is beyond me. My legs were killing after standing for three hours (we ain't gettin any younger) and yet he manages to dance like that at almost 60! The fans loved the set. Top marks.
Last up came headline act A-ha. Morton, Mags an Pal came on to raprurous applause and much anticipation but this is when things went awry somewhat. From the get-go, it seemed there were a few issues. Firstly, throughout the set, Morton was preoccupied with the sound levels and on at least ten or twelve occasions he appeared to gesticulate to his engineer on the left of stage.....and on at least four occasions, actually disappeared into the sound booth. He also appeared to be quite slow in his movements ( though he sang well enough ). But the biggest problem for me was one of interaction. Mags spoke on a three or four occasions but that was it.....
I don't recall Morton having a single meaningful interaction with his adoring fans, he simply stayed silent between numbers, which I was immensely disappointed with. That, coupled with the vocals level being too low for all but the last few songs - left many (myself included) feeling a bit underwhelmed with the headline act.
Still, it was great night for lovers of 80's synthpop -Tom Bailey was good, A-ha were OK but OMD were pinch a quote, they didn't "steal the show" - they took it fair and square.

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