Whitgift Almshouses North End Croydon CR0

Whitgift Almshouses North End Croydon CR0 events

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Whitgift Almshouses North End Croydon CR0 venue information

As Archbishop, Whitgift spent much of his time travelling between Lambeth, Canterbury and Croydon, favouring the latter as an idyllic summer retreat and residing at the Palace in Croydon (now Old Palace School) - a convenient location near to London, the hive of royal and political activity.

A few years after the defeat of the Spanish Armada and with the country plagued by bad harvest and wounded sailors, Whitgift decided to help the needier section of the population. He petitioned for and received permission from Queen Elizabeth I to establish a hospital and school in Croydon.

The two foundation stones of the Hospital of The Holy Trinity, now known as The Almshouses, were laid in March 1596. Originally housing 40 residents, today the magnificent Grade I listed building is home to 14 residents in one-bed and studio flats.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Whitgift Almshouses North End Croydon CR0

Phone: 020 8256 1578

Capacity: 12

Disabled facilities: The idiosyncratic nature of the Grade I Listed building means that is is not completely accessible to people who require mobility support. Please contact us if you need more information.

Nearest Train Station: East Croydon station

Address: North End, Croydon, CR9 1SS

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/78624/

Type of venue: Other

Parking: very limited parking on request only