Dyffryn Gardens Cardiff

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Reviews of Dyffryn Gardens in Cardiff

Dyffryn Gardens venue information

Dyffryn Gardens are an exceptional example of Edwardian garden design. Just outside of Cardiff and covering more than 55 acres, they feature a stunning collection of intimate garden rooms including a rose garden, Pompeian garden and several ponds.

The enormous great lawn is bordered by seasonal bedding and a croquet lawn. There is also a large glasshouse, statuary collection, and arboretum featuring trees from all over the world.

Designed by eminent landscape architect Thomas Mawson in 1906, the gardens are the early 20th-century vision of coal magnate John Cory and his son Reginald.

Within the gardens, Dyffryn House, a grand Victorian mansion overlooks the key aspects of the gardens. Parts of the ground and first floors have been restored and are unfurnished.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Dyffryn Gardens

Address: St Nicholas, Vale of Glamorgan, Cardiff, CF5 6SU

Phone: 02920 593328

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/75098/

Type of venue: Outdoors