Kambar Cambridge

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Kambar venue information

Built in the mid 17th century, Kambar is housed in a grade 1 listed building steeped in history. Many of the structural wooden beams arrived in Cambridge having been transported up the river Cam after they were salvaged from wrecked sailing ships. A main supporting beam beneath the dancefloor is a 3' square beam taken from such a ship, dating back to 1624.

In its long history, the building has been used as a butcher's, a tea shop, private housing and a restaurant.

During its time as a nightclub Kambar has hosted some of Cambridge's finest and longest running clubnights, a tradition that continues to this day.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Kambar

Address: Kambar, Wheeler Street, Cambridge, CB2 3QB

Phone: 01223 842725

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/14301/

Type of venue: Nightclub

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