Bonds Lounge Tamworth

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Bonds Lounge venue information

BonDs Lounge

BonDs lounge is located above BonDs Bar and is entered via a a doorway just inside the entrance. The club opened December 2005 and is fitted with very stylish and comfortable leather seating and tables throughout. There are 2 bars, each situated either end of the club and a large, slightly raised dance area with DJ booth and lighting. This is a very classy looking and impressive club. The club is also air conditioned, however there is a no smoking policy. Separate designated Smoking areas are provided. The club can also be rented out for private functions and events, please contact management at BonDs for rates and availability.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Bonds Lounge

Address: 12 Church Street, Tamworth, B79 7HD

Phone: 01827 55080

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Live