119 Digbeth, Birmingham reviews by real event-goers

Reviews of 119 in Digbeth, Birmingham

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Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Sunday

Overall rating: 4 Verified review

We enjoyed our day think venue could have organised better toilet facilities they were disgusting

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Sunday

Overall rating: 4.5 Verified review

Much better than I thought it would be. Lots of free stuff going on. Actors were fab and the fact that nearly everyone attending dressed up made it even better. Food available was great. Only complaint- drinks very expensive. Would definitely attend again.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Saturday

Overall rating: 2 Verified review

1 hour 15 minutes to get a drink!!!

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Sunday

Overall rating: 4 Verified review

It was a fab day but not quite what was promised in some ways e.g they said there would be a fair ground and all there was a Ferris wheel and a small game. Drinks were very expensive 5 pound a pint which you wouldn't usually spend in Digbeth. The magician, boxing, bingo (ESPECIALLY), music and food was AMAZING. The actors were fab also they did a great job it was very entertaining! I would definitely go again.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Saturday

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

We had an amazing time at the venue on Saturday. It really felt like we were back to the 20's! Great job!

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Sunday

Overall rating: 4.5 Verified review

A great time was had by all!

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Sunday

Overall rating: 2.5 Verified review

Bars to expensive and not enough staff

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Saturday

Overall rating: 3.5

Really, really disappointed. We went on Sunday to find they had no rose wine left and we weren't allowed to bring our own drinks which totally spoiled the experience as I ended up drinking water! The barman said they weren't allowed to replace the rose as they had too much of the white and red wine left! it's like saying they won't replace the vodka till the Whiskey's all gone! The food stalls were terrible. We'd anticipated traditional food but instead it was overpriced terrible fish and chips they'd tried to 'curry' up or a burger (not so sure they were around in the 1920's) or some weird kebab that was too big and messy to eat. No where near enough seating. And what annoyed me more than anything was the fact we'd spent almost £200 on our outfits because the tickets quite clearly state it's compulsory yet they let people in wearing anything. The fair wasn't a fair just a big wheel as in one ride! The prices for everything was a rip off the toilets were a disgrace with no running water in one of them. The brass band was awesome and the chap who did the magic show and the boxing was brilliant as were the ladies of the night but other than that it was all rather disappointing!

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Saturday

Overall rating: 2 Verified review

very disappointed and will be getting a refund.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Saturday

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Saturday

Overall rating: 1.5 Verified review

Utterly disappointed and angry with poor organisation of the event, so was all the other fantastic people that made the excellent effort to dress immaculately in character. It was an insult to those who attended to endure such rubbish in the hometown and heritage backdrop of the peaky blinders. Most people left, there was Robbie Williams playing, they ran out of beer and then...tried to charge £8 FOR A PIE!!!! I would like my money back it was disgrace.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Sunday

Overall rating: 4 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Saturday

Overall rating: 2 Verified review

Had so much potential to be a great event - poor planning , switch of venue 4 days before probably didn't help . Lack of staff for the bars, running out of cider, beer and wine..... the toilets were disgusting, waited over an hour to get my first drink , no "showtimes" given for the boxing, band, singers etc etc…
The music played wasn't in keeping with the period as promised . - this is what was advertised :-
Vintage Fair Ground Rides - 1 Ferris wheel by toilets outside...
Victorian Inspired Street Food from Digbeth Dining Club - Bit pricey on the kebab front, no salt or pepper at the pie stand - how was all this Victorian inspired ?
Amusements - Didn't see any at all.
Live Street Magic - Was a great show - poor organisation though
Local Brummie Ales - none at all , only standard lagers/ciders - that ran out..
Specialist C**ktails - Tiny efforts - only 1 guy who could make them - that should have been a separate bar .
Live Bawdy Music Hall Entertainment - wasn't on long enough , not in theme and no times for "shows"
Irish Folk Musicians - Didn't see any
Tarot Card Readings - extra cost involved, again was disorganised and all slots were filled quickly.
Live Boxing - didn't see any boxing , know what time it was on all I saw was the ring.
Shoeshines - Nothing
Caricatures - Nothing
Rolling Screens - Nothing
Historical Talks - Nothing
Live Actors - Saw 1 as we walked in and that was it.

Said on tickets and advertising no admittance if not dressed up - quite a few didn't make an effort.

I booked my tickets in July when they came out as I knew it would be popular - at full price - imagine my amazement and anger when - they advertised more tickets on Group On at discounted cost AND did a flash sale at an even cheaper price !
Stinks of Greed sadly.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Sunday

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

What a fabulous time. loved it. the actors were brilliant and we had fun.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Saturday

Overall rating: 2 Verified review

I queued for 55 mins to get a drink, there weren’t enough bar staff or bars we left the venue for 3 hours and spent money in local pubs as did many others. My ticket cost me £34 it was not value for money. The organisation of this event was pure money grabbing, extra tickets should not have been sold as it was clear we could not be catered for. Considering the effort everyone went to to get into the spirit of peaky blinders it was really disappointing. This avent has so much potential to be a good night, if the basics of food, drink and entertainment had been organised properly- we were promised acting where was it? Bands were few and far between and so were the magic shows, one tarot reader and one ride- you sold children’s ticket but that event was not suitable for children! A disappointing Birmingham event the ‘home’ of the peaky blinders!! Sort it out

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Sunday

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

So much effort was put into venue. As soon as you walked in and there was all the people who made the effort. Actors and staff amazing. Especially the magician. The whole event was magical.
Well done all off you to make it a great event for all of us..
By the order off the peaky blinders I order you to do another event. 😉
Mark and Marie

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Sunday

Overall rating: 2.5 Verified review

Not enough staff at the bars
Too many people small venue
Need authentic music
Terrible food
Too expensive

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Sunday

Overall rating: 3 Verified review

Great to see the effort everyone went through to dress up. But not a lot happening there was a lot more that could've been done. Especially looking at the prices of the tickets!

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Saturday

Overall rating: 4 Verified review

Need more bars and a programme of events. We feel we missed alot for not knowing what was on when. Other than that it was brilliant. Same time next year??

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Peaky Blinders Immersive Festival - Saturday

Overall rating: 1.5 Verified review

Late opening. The queues were too long. No timetable for perfrmances, they could have gone on the back of the map. Not enough decent market stalls. Venue was too small, Swingamigig has used a more suitable venue in Digbeth, it would have been better there. Don’t feel like I got value for money.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

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