Mystery Venue Secret

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Mystery Venue venue information


The ticket package of £20 includes the following:

> Return travel to and from the secret venue
> Admission including queue jump
> Champagne upon arrival
> Private seating area
> Access to private bar
> Free round of shots
What could possibly be any better than this? A night you certainly cannot miss!

To see more details, visit the event page on Facebook:

Tickets are available to purchase either in person or online. Tickets can be purchased from now until Sunday 6th April as a deposit to secure your place on the guest list. Refunds are not available once ticket(s) have been purchased as it is a deposit to confirm your booking of the event.

Tickets can be purchased as a complete package of £20, or if preferred, an installment of £10 can be made to cover venue admission and a second installment for travel costs can be paid on the night.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Mystery Venue

Phone: 07563904848

Music Policy: Commerical

Dress code: Dressy/Casual

Opening hours: 10.00pm

Address: Secret, Secret, BT64 3AL

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Nightclub

Clientele: 18+