CAMP ABDELMOULA, Tembaine events

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CAMP ABDELMOULA, Tembaine venue information

With a beautiful blend of tradition of harmony and elegance and modern comfort in an exotic setting, at CAMP ABDELMOULA you benefit from an excellent choice in search of a creative and unique experience.

CAMP ABDELMOULA is a typical camp consisting of 50 tents and clean blocks (douche eau chaude) within 100 km of Douz, the camp rests in time and respects the peace during the realization of the final truth.
You offer a day or 2 for the joy of living in this desert environment.

You will begin your 4x4 journey by leaving Défi Du Desert in Douz or for your trip: Your open-air experience of the Grand Erg Oriental and a wide variety of sand dunes will begin with a stop cafe in the desert before crossing the road. Head up the mountain to visit the Parc or plus hire from protected pitches and continue by 4x4 in Tembaine on the 20 Km franchise of the dunes.

Venue contact details and info


Phone: +447493330826

Capacity: 140

Address: Av, d’Irak 4260 Douz-Tunisie, Douz

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Other