Fairfield Flicks Bromsgrove

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  • May's Modern Folk

    9th Apr 2022

    The Folk in these acts May have you feeling the Blues and slightly Punkish as Fairfield hosts an evening of Great Musical Talent

Reviews of Fairfield Flicks in Bromsgrove

Fairfield Flicks venue information

Fairfield Flicks- Bromsgrove's Community Entertainment Venue - screening films, Event Cinema & hosting great acts.

We aim to deliver a relaxed, friendly environment. Our licenced bar includes local beers and there is free onsite parking.

Our programme is varied,

- Movies, old and recently released,

- Live Music nights showcasing some of the best emerging & existing talent from across the region, and

- Event Cinema screening ballet, opera, theatre and pop concerts.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Fairfield Flicks


Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/103446/

Type of venue: Live

Drinks served: Yes

Disabled facilities: Toilets, Access and Hearing Loop

Nearest Bus Stop: On main road outside venue

Address: Village Hall, Stourbridge Road, Fairfield, Bromsgrove, B61 9LZ

Website: http://fairfieldflicks.org.uk

Capacity: 150

Opening hours: See website

Food served: Confectionery & Crisps

Parking: FREE Car Park behind venue

Nearest Train Station: Bromsgrove