Oktoberfest Tickets & Events 2023

Oktoberfest Tickets & Events 2023

Steins being endlessly poured, Bratwurst sizzling on the grill, Lederhosen as far as the eye cans see; we can only be talking about one thing, the internationally-adored Bavarian bash, otherwise known as Oktoberfest!

Whilst many say that you can't experience it properly without being at the main event in Germany, we don't all have that luxury, and nor do we need it. Up and down the UK, Oktoberfest events pop up as beer gardens, beer halls, and sprawling event spaces embrace their Germanic side, and celebrate the occasion in places where you can still get a taxi home.

So scroll down and check out all the Oktoberfest tickets on sale on Skiddle, and make Oktoberfest 2023 one to remember!

London and the South of England:

Northern England:

The Midlands:

Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland: