The Old Dr Bells Baths Edinburgh reviews by real event-goers

Reviews of The Old Dr Bells Baths in Edinburgh

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Showing the latest reviews from all events held at The Old Dr Bells Baths.

Review of Electrikal Drum & Bass Hogmanay Special

Overall rating: 4.5 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Idles\' - Joe Talbot

Overall rating: 4 Verified review


Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of An Audience With Kyle Falconer (The View)

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

great venue, great artist

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Idles' - Joe Talbot

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

incredibly interesting man and a good quality gig

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Idles\' - Joe Talbot

Overall rating: 5 Verified review


Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Idles\' - Joe Talbot

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

Loved listening to Joe tell his stories, such a naturally funny and charismatic guy. It was v obvious this wasnt an idles show. I did like the 2 musicians at the start of the gig. I agree the bouncer should have thrown that woman heckler out, funny at the start but v annoying and rude towards the end and I think Joe was feeling the same. Loved the venue and would love to have it for a wedding venue!

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

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Review of Idles\' - Joe Talbot

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

Loved it. Joe was fantastic to listen to and support bands were outstanding 💜💜

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Idles' - Joe Talbot

Overall rating: 3.5 Verified review

Didnt think the supporting bands were suited to the event, would have liked to have had listing of the evening events. Also a woman was rude that worked in the venue because I came in earlier that 7pm but there was noone at the door or anyone to tell me I wasnt meant to be in before 7pm

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Idles\' - Joe Talbot

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

An incredible night, beautiful and powerful insight to the life of Joe Talbot.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Idles' - Joe Talbot

Overall rating: 4.5 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Idles\' - Joe Talbot

Overall rating: 4

Great location and was an amazing opportunity to hear Joe chat about his sobriety,music and everything in between in such an intimate venue. The Old Dr Bells Baths is an amazing place. A lively audience made for an interesting evening and the local band before were entertaining. It was VERY clear Idles weren’t playing and the whole sound was good. Very broad range of people in the audience ranging from an extremely drunk loud woman to a 55 year old man who had no idea who Slowthai was! Some guy who claimed to be a local stand up actually defended the rappers actions at the recent NME awards to then have the audience turn on him...and rightly so! Great evening around some chilled people.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Idles\' - Joe Talbot

Overall rating: 3.5 Verified review

Great night

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Idles\' - Joe Talbot

Overall rating: 4.5 Verified review


Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Idles' - Joe Talbot

Overall rating: 3.5 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Idles' - Joe Talbot

Overall rating: 3 Verified review

I thought that the Idles were playing as well as the interview with Joe, I don’t think it was clear on the tickets. I was disappointed so can’t rate it higher. I felt crammed into the chairs which were moving all the time with people nearly on top of me. It wasn’t really Joes fault but the drunk heckling lady was a right pain. The bouncer tried but I think they should have just asked her to leave. I wouldn’t recommend this event and think it should be clearer what it is.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of Idles' - Joe Talbot

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Idles' - Joe Talbot

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Idles\' - Joe Talbot

Overall rating: 4 Verified review

Such an inspirational evening! Joe is a funny, interesting and honest man and it was a pleasure to get more insight and understanding into the music and writing process.

The venue was beautiful! First time I’ve been there and it was easy to find and I love going to events in Leith!

I didn’t have a drink so cannot on prices of those!

Highly recommend! Would love more of these events with musicians. Local band Young Fathers would be great please!!! Thank you.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Idles\' - Joe Talbot

Overall rating: 4.5

Amazing opportunity to hear the eloquence and passion from the man behind the music. Amazing.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Idles\' - Joe Talbot

Overall rating: 4 Verified review

Great venue!!

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

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