Storyville Strutters - Customer reveus

Here is a list of customer reviews on their experience of hiring the band for their private functions - you can check this out at

Disclaimer: The article below has been contributed by the event promoter or somebody representing the event promoter. As such we take no responsibility for accuracy of the content and any views expressed are not necessarily those of Skiddle or our staff.

Date published: 25th Sep 2015

The Storyville Strutters

"We were really pleased with the band who were easy to communicate with in the run up to the party. The night itself was a great success and in no small part due to the excellent music. I found the whole experience really positive and lots of people asked me where I got the band from - I gave them your details! Hope you get more business from it in the future. I would definitely use the alive network again. Thank you.

"A great band, fun music and very well played too! Guests to our birthday party danced into the small hours and loved it all! Thoroughly recommended!"

"We cannot recommend The Storyville Strutters more highly! They were friendly, helpful and polite; they quickly took hold of the mood of the evening (our 20th family holiday celebrated by having a 20's party) and they made the evening go so happily. We had all ages there from 8 weeks old to 88 yrs, including those who don't normally go to musical events and every single one of us had a wonderful time. We will certainly rebook this group again if we can and would thoroughly recommend them to anyone else."

"They positioned themselves and selected an appropriate programme to provide background music for lunch. When requested they stepped up and became the central focus of the afternoon out on the lawn. They thoroughly entertained an audience that ranged in age from 2 weeks to 92 years. We (the bride and groom) were thrilled with their performance and we have had multiple positive comments from our guests at how much they enjoyed the music."

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