Silver Apples Start uk Tour

Legendary 60s New York band Silver Apples start short UK 1st September 2008.

WotGodForGot Promotions

Disclaimer: The article below has been contributed by the event promoter or somebody representing the event promoter. As such we take no responsibility for accuracy of the content and any views expressed are not necessarily those of Skiddle or our staff.

Date published: 1st Sep 2008

Decades after their brief yet influential career first ground to a sudden and mysterious halt, the Silver Apples remain one of pop music's true enigmas: a surreal, almost unprecedented duo, their music explored interstellar drones and hums, pulsing rhythms and electronically-generated melodies years before similar ideas were adopted in the work of acolytes ranging from Suicide to Spacemen 3 to Laika.

The Silver Apples formed in New York in 1967 and comprised percussionist Danny Taylor and lead vocalist Simeon...who played an instrument also dubbed the Simeon, which consisted of "nine audio oscillators and eighty-six manual manual controls...The lead and rhythm oscillators are played with the hands, elbows and knees and the bass oscillators are played with the feet."

Dates are 1/09/08 (Sheffield), 02/09/08 (Bristol), 03/09/08 (Cardiff), 04/09/08 (The Roadhouse, Manchester for Wot God Forgot/Ubik Promotions), 05/09/08 (London) and finally 06/09/08 (Glasgow).

The mighty Laymar and the flippant quirksters Stray Dog Cafe offer support on the Manchester date.

With Support from the Mighty


...and Flippant Quirksters