Fancy a Rave before work?

Read on to find out more information about a party in London which aims to give you a rave opportunity pre-work as opposed to headlong in the weekend.

Jimmy Coultas

Date published: 1st Aug 2013

Image: Morning Glory

We’ve all been there. Leaving a club or festival blurry eyed when the sun is creeping out, shading our faces from the prying looks of others after an evening where we’re all looking distinctly worse for wear. It’s pretty much a staple of going out partying in the summer – at the best ones you will leave when the daylight has dawned.

So when news filtered through about a new morning club, it wasn’t much of an eye opener at first. Until the concept came in – this is a raver you do BEFORE work. Eschewing the usual losing yourself clichés that come with clubbing, this party swaps the hedonistic weapons of choice for massages and smoothies, and is billed as being an option for tea total people who love a party for anyone looking

You can check this video of Morning Glory, as the event is known, to see for yourself, but we’re not convinced that this holds up to the more dynamic options a weekend can muster just yet. Does look a bit more fun than spinning mind.