Canal Museum London

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Canal Museum venue information

At the London Canal Museum you can see inside a narrowboat cabin, learn about the history of London's canals, about the cargoes carried, the people who lived and worked on the waterways, and the horses that pulled their boats. Peer down into the unique heritage of a huge Victorian ice well used to store ice imported from Norway and brought by ship and canal boat to be stored. The museum is an attraction housed in a former ice warehouse built in about 1862-3 for Carlo Gatti, the famous ice cream maker, and features the history of the ice trade and ice cream as well as the canals. This is the only London museum of inland waterways and is situated at King's Cross, an accessible central London location.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Canal Museum

Address: 12-13 New Wharf Rd, London, N1 9RT

Phone: 02077130836

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Nightclub

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