Bliss Club Manchester

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Reviews of Bliss Club Manchester in Manchester

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Bliss Club Manchester venue information

We are an unique venue with such a positive energy, surprising our guest with innovation, unconventional strategy and leave our guests with the Bliss Feeling.

Bliss is an elegant venue where you can enjoy delicious flair cocktails and drinks while spending time in a pleasant environment loosing yourself in a safe environment.

Bliss Club is an attractive environment with a balanced atmosphere of luxury and prestige in which merges with our atmospheric club nights.

Bliss Club is a Late night club open until 4:30am which plays nightclub music as well as live music acts from around the world.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Bliss Club Manchester

Phone: 07496031439

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Nightclub

Clientele: Everyone over the age of 18

Drinks served: yes

Parking: opposite

Nearest Train Station: deansgate locks

Address: Albion Wharf, 19 Albion Street, Manchester, M1 5LN


Capacity: 700

Dress code: Smart Casual

Opening hours: 9pm-4.30am

Food served: no

Nearest Bus Stop: deansgate locks

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