Holborn House London

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Holborn House venue information

Holborn House is a premium cocktail and champagne Bar Nightclub nestled in one of the capital’s most exclusive areas. Holborn House is a two-story venue with its own bijou outdoor space, exuding glamour and style throughout. With heavy crystal chandeliers, 3D wallpaper and bespoke furnishings, Holborn House works a sexy modern-vintage vibe, perfectly balancing comfort and style and attracting both party-hard stylistas and suits fresh from the numerous local offices alike.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Holborn House

Address: 266-267 High Holborn, WC1V 7EE, London, WC1V 7EE

Phone: 0207 242 4350

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/33384/

Type of venue: Nightclub

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