Highlight Edinburgh

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Highlight Edinburgh venue information

Comedy club situated on the outskirts of Edinburgh. See all your favourite acts before you have even heard of them, then brag to your mates you saw them first. With hundreds of comedians on our books we really are No1 for Comedy

Venue contact details and info

Name: Highlight Edinburgh

Phone: 0131 5249300

Capacity: 280

Type of venue: Nightclub

Dress code: smart casual

Opening hours: Friday + Saturday 7pm- late (3am licensce

Food served: extensive list on www.thehighlight.co.uk

Parking: 2 multi-storey car parks in a 30 yard vicinity

Nearest Train Station: Edinburgh Waverley

Address: unit 6 + 7, Omni Centre, Greenside place, Edinburgh, EH1 3AU

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/16757/

Music Policy: Contempary, Cheese, Dance

Ambiance: Great to start an amazing weekend

Clientele: Stags, Hens, Couples, Office Workers

Drinks served: extensive list on www.thehighlight.co.uk

Disabled facilities: Yes

Nearest Bus Stop: just outside the venue

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